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What is a Tesla coil?

2023-10-23 14:14:05   Visit:16

                  What is a Tesla coil?

Tesla coil (Tesla Ciol) is a transformer using the resonance principle (resonance transformer), invented by the SerbiAn-American scientist Nikola: Tesla in 1891, it can obtain millions of volts of high-frequency voltage, is also a distributed parameter high-frequency series resonant transformer. Mainly used to produce ultra-high voltage but low current, high frequency AC power. A Tesla coil consists of two (sometimes three) sets of coupled resonant circuits. Tesla uses these loops to perform innovative experiments such as electrical lighting, fluorescence spectroscopy, X-rays, high-frequency AC current phenomena, electrotherapy, and radio energy transmission, emission, and reception of radio electrical signals.

The household voltage is generally 220V, but the Tesla coil has a two-stage booster coil that can raise the household voltage number to tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of volts. However, because the voltage is too high, the discharge will produce a small lightning-like spark, so the Tesla coil can also be called an artificial lightning maker.

There are two types of Tesla coils produced by YLZ Technology, namely the DC5V Tesla coil and the DC12 Tesla coil.

For more knowledge about Tesla coils and transformers, you can consult Zou Gong, senior design engineer of Shenzhen YLZ Technology Co., LTD.



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